How To Form An Llc In New Hampshire - Easy Process To Get Your Business Registered

how to form an llc in new hampshire

how to form an llc in new hampshire: Business formation is done in the state much as it is done in other states. The first thing you'll need to do is find out which forms of business registration are available to you. If you're working with an attorney, ask him or her about choosing the correct forms for your state. Note that there might be some differences between the types of business registrations you find online and those provided by your local office.

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Choose forms from the list your state provides: New Hampshire requires that you use an Employer Identification Number, commonly referred to as an EIN, when you're forming an LLC. The secretary of state website has an EIN calculator on its home page. If you're registering a business without an EIN, contact your accountant and request one.


Review the forms for registration of your new LLC: After determining that you have an LLC registered with an appropriate office, then you can move on to the next step. This next step is to choose the name of your new LLC. The forms for naming your LLCs vary with each state, so you'll want to check with your secretary of state, your accountant, or your LLC's attorney to see what name you should choose. The name you select must comply with the requirements laid out by the state, including whether it is a sole proprietorship to a partnership, a C corporation, or an LLC. If the name you select does not comply with the state rules, your certificate of formation will be rejected and you'll have to start all over again.

How to Form an LLC in New Hampshire - Easy Process to Get Your Business Registered


Filing your Articles of Organization: A new LLC cannot file an article of organization until the Articles of Organization have been submitted to the secretary of state. Once your Articles of Organization have been filed, the paperwork for your New LLC can proceed. Your paperwork for filing the Articles of Organization can be done online, through mail, or in person by visiting the clerk of court or the county clerk where you filed your Articles of Organization. There's a minimal fee for these filings, but remember that this filing fee is money that you're not spending, so pay close attention to it.


Setting up an LLC Business Number: After your Articles of Organization have been filed, you're now ready to set up your LLC business number. You may need to contact your accountant or your Secretary of State to find out how to enter your LLC business number. In New Hampshire, you'll simply need to key code your business address into the web address field and then choose an option from the drop-down menu to enter your LLC business number. Be sure that you enter the digits exactly as they appear on your piece of paper (you wouldn't want to type in numbers that don't make sense) and be sure to indicate which form your filing is using so that your filing is processed correctly the first time.


Filing a fictitious name: Most people know how to file an original legal name for their LLC, but many have no idea how to file a fictitious name. While a New Hampshire LLC can be incorporated using a C corporation, a sole proprietorship, an LLC, or any other type of business structure, the process of incorporating an LLC with a fictitious name involves much more than just picking a company name. Forming an LLC with a fictional name requires the filing of a special kind of Form 1, also known as an 'intestiture' Form. To protect your assets from fraud, the filing process for an intestate will require a qualified New Hampshire estate planning attorney.


File a certificate of incorporation: When you start to look into how to form an LLC in New Hampshire, you may be surprised to see that there is a very simple process for incorporating an LLC. All that is needed is for the individual filing to file a certificate of incorporation with the state. A New Hampshire certificate of incorporation does not have to contain a balance because the filing fee is not required until the document has been filed with the state. Also, because an LLC filing does not have to contain a balance, it may appear to the IRS that the LLC has no income or capital gains and is therefore not a valid tax liability. Forming an LLC in New Hampshire does not require a secretary, which makes the process much easier for both the individual and the accountant.


Enter your business address and contact information: Once you know how to incorporate an LLC in New Hampshire, you need to select an entity for the LLC. Usually, this would be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Make sure that you enter the correct business address and contact information. If the filing individual is using their home address and phone number, the secretary may validate the use of their home address and phone number. If the filing individual uses their office address and is valid contact person, then the office can validate the use of their office phone number.

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