How To Get Rid Of Squirrels In Your Vegetable Garden

how to get rid of squirrels

Many gardeners find themselves wishing that they could learn how to get rid of squirrels in their yards. Squirrels are especially annoying when they climb up your tree branch or tear up the bird feeder covers, chew up your patio furniture, or dig up your flower beds. Learn how to get rid of squirrels by learning how they like to live in your area, and how you can prevent them from coming back.


Squirrels prefer to live in wooded areas, so they will usually find any type of structure or shelter to be a good place to stay. They will also seek out birdhouses, birdbath structures, and bird feeder supports. When learning how to get rid of squirrels, it's important to understand that they usually don't leave their nest for the winter, but rather wait until the spring to start nesting again. So, how to get rid of squirrels when they aren't nesting is very similar to how to get rid of pesky house snakes.


If you're experiencing a lot of behavior from squirrels in your yard, you should first try to remove any shelters they may be using, such as birdbaths, tree bark, or birdseed. These shelters allow squirrels to climb and hide, so eliminating these will eliminate a lot of their activity. However, if squirrels have already created a habitat in your yard, there are some methods you can use to deal with them. Keep in mind that these methods will not work if the squirrels have already taken up residence in your home or property.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Vegetable Garden


One way of dealing with squirrels is by deterring them from your yard altogether. One way is to eradicate the plants that squirrels often visit. Peppermint essential oil is a great deterrent and it contains an extremely volatile oil which only dogs and bats hate. By placing small containers of peppermint essential oil around your garden and adding a little bit of mulch to them, you will discourage squirrels from coming near your plants.


If you are still wondering how to get rid of squirrels in your yard, try putting up fences. You can build yourself a basic type of fence, or you can hire someone to customize it for you. When erecting your fences, be sure to put at least 5 feet of chain underground, as well as picket signs and plastic flags. You should be alert for squirrel tracks and have your property lines crossed so that you know no one is cutting down your bushes or shrubs while you are away.


Another method of how to get rid of squirrels involves using natural squirrel repellent. There are many different types of natural repellents available for sale, including cayenne pepper, horsetail and netting. While cayenne pepper is effective for most types of squirrels, horsetail is not. For this reason, it is recommended that you purchase netting or cayenne pepper instead, as both products do not repel all types of pests.


Once you have finally gotten rid of these pesky rodents, you should take measures to make sure they do not come back. You can do this by removing any remaining food, garbage or nests that they may have made before. This includes bird feeders, bird baths and other areas where squirrels may have gathered. You should also make sure there is plenty of green space in your vegetable garden, as this allows squirrels to seek out food and hide. You should also make sure that your bird feeder is securely locked in a secure place, and always clean up any bird droppings that you find.


If you find yourself with a problem with squirrels in your yard, you may be tempted to call in an expert to eradicate them for you. If you have tried everything else under the sun, you may want to consider contacting a local animal control service for assistance. By using simple methods and investing in a good organic pest control product, you can easily get rid of the rodents in your garden and keep them away for good.

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